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Lsedd t1_j9px2nn wrote

That's not really a twist, just plot development.


action_lawyer_comics t1_j9pznsh wrote

Fair point. But I think this book is kinda tricky in that regard, since pretty much every big reveal is given away but with its importance downplayed. Strictly speaking, there aren't any huge twists in the style of Fight Club or The Prestige, but nevertheless the book manages a couple really good surprise kicks in the teeth.


thriveth t1_j9qgzcu wrote

Technically true but the delivery is just such that it has the same effect in practice of completely switching the perspective.


Lsedd t1_j9qzdcv wrote

Its a reveal. You know something's up, you just don't know what it is, it's eventually...revealed. A twist is when you have no idea that anything is up and the reveal comes out of nowhere and changes everything.