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vivi233 t1_j9poji6 wrote

If Colleen Hoover books are considered controversial, please do not read any actual decent literature. You might expire. She is not this edgy writer the TikTok crowd thinks she is. Her books are PG-13 soap operas designed to give middle-aged suburban women a cheap thrill and sheltered GenZ girls another soap box from which they can pretend to be offended.


4abagofcoffee t1_j9prz1k wrote

Sorry sweetie, but any novel that depicts violence, murder, SA or any other sinful behavior yet DOESN’T explicitly state in the foreword that the author thinks those things are bad attached to a formal apology (if author is deceased an apology from the estate will be deemed sufficient on a case by case basis by me), that author is problematic, period 💅 I personally can’t read, so the main content I consume is advertisements. Commercials radiate positive, wholesome energy and stand firmly behind what they say!


gabba_dabba_doo_ t1_j9rjy0p wrote

Hate to break it but i do read books that are literary masterpieces, I stated my opinion and it's what i think, Im not on tiktok, and the subject of the book is not the problem to me, the problem is the fact that they (meaning Colleen H. and Tiktok) are romanizing SA and labeling it as "Okay". i've read plenty of books with SA and murder, along with other violent matters, but it's normally accompanied by some sort of acknowledgment that it is a bad thing, and very toxic.