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LovesBooks22 t1_j9mngyp wrote

The subject matter doesn’t really offend me, I just don’t think she’s a skilled or talented writer. I don’t know why people who really enjoy reading books are bothering with her stuff. It seems like her work is better suited to those who just want to consume something mindless and “thrilling” (but without any actual thrill.)


Superb_Tiger_8376 t1_j9snbdq wrote

Her writing simplistic is the very reason people like her books, though.

I also think your "People who really enjoy reading" comes off as very arrogant. Some people might have not have the time to read as children because other duties kept them away from it, some might no have been encourged to read and are only now developing that skill and might feel intimidated by the big classics. Some youngsters might read the books because of Tik Tok but where I live they are often bought in the English Edition and here it helps that they are simple because they can improve their English Skills while at the same time read an entertaining story.

Anything that gets people to read is a good thing in my opinion and should not be looked down upon as "mindless thrill" but a book like any other.


LovesBooks22 t1_j9tdojy wrote

I don’t really care that you think my opinion is arrogant, because it’s my opinion. If people want to read Colleen Hoover books for any reason, then that’s fine—everyone is entitled to read what they want. But there are many, many books out there that are a far better use of their time.


Superb_Tiger_8376 t1_j9velar wrote

And you decide what is worth the time of people?

Well, sorry, but you do sound arrogant.


LovesBooks22 t1_j9vfhze wrote

Yes, I think I can decide what I think is worth people’s time based on my own experience. And yes, I think we’ve already covered that you think I’m arrogant and that I don’t care. But I am glad you’re able to decide that I’m arrogant.


juggernautism t1_j9n5xfj wrote

It's probably easy to read. Suits the current generation a lot. People barely read at all these days. This author is probably popular among the crowd that would read something rather than nothing.


ForLark t1_j9mbgwc wrote

I have heard about these books and I am so appalled that 13-14 year olds are such heavy readers of this author. Now, I was allowed to read anything I wanted as a kid. Really anything. (King Rat at age 11). But there’s so much of this authors books around (of course I thought Twilight was problematic for teens too for similar but less graphic content: He wants to kill her, she wants to die to be with him. I’m so sorry to learn the Hoover books are as bad as I thought.


vivi233 t1_j9poji6 wrote

If Colleen Hoover books are considered controversial, please do not read any actual decent literature. You might expire. She is not this edgy writer the TikTok crowd thinks she is. Her books are PG-13 soap operas designed to give middle-aged suburban women a cheap thrill and sheltered GenZ girls another soap box from which they can pretend to be offended.


4abagofcoffee t1_j9prz1k wrote

Sorry sweetie, but any novel that depicts violence, murder, SA or any other sinful behavior yet DOESN’T explicitly state in the foreword that the author thinks those things are bad attached to a formal apology (if author is deceased an apology from the estate will be deemed sufficient on a case by case basis by me), that author is problematic, period 💅 I personally can’t read, so the main content I consume is advertisements. Commercials radiate positive, wholesome energy and stand firmly behind what they say!


gabba_dabba_doo_ t1_j9rjy0p wrote

Hate to break it but i do read books that are literary masterpieces, I stated my opinion and it's what i think, Im not on tiktok, and the subject of the book is not the problem to me, the problem is the fact that they (meaning Colleen H. and Tiktok) are romanizing SA and labeling it as "Okay". i've read plenty of books with SA and murder, along with other violent matters, but it's normally accompanied by some sort of acknowledgment that it is a bad thing, and very toxic.


milkywaywildflower t1_j9ms6uu wrote

i also just read november 9 and i was completely disgusted - Ben is a disgusting creep and the “plot twist” made me feel like throwing up. And Fallon apologizes to him at the end for “judging him right away because he set the fire” Colleen Hoover is a terrible writer


do-rai-me54 t1_j9shsw6 wrote

My own personal issue with CoHo is that she doesn’t have any content warnings of the “plot twists” she frequently uses that are very, very traumatic situations. (And yes I’m aware the argument can be made for it being spoilers but as someone with specific triggers it would be very helpful to know these things.) I’ve only read It Ends With Us and Ugly Love and had to take a break from reading both after the major plot twist. I refuse to read another book by that woman


[deleted] OP t1_j9nnliw wrote



CVM1001 t1_j9ojade wrote

It depends on the copy you have I think, an older version of the book has a non-consensual scene that was cut from future editions after negative feedback. I got my copy from a second hand bookstore and was shocked when my friend’s new copy didn’t have the scene


gabba_dabba_doo_ t1_j9oq3f7 wrote

you must have the new copy, she changed it around 2016 and removed the non consensual scenes, but didn't even apologize for making it seem sensual and romantic. I understand that this clearly isn't my trope, but i feel like we should stop romanticizing the relationships in these books.


blackdominohearts t1_j9oyblj wrote

Amen girl. I only read November 9 and was SICKENED by it. So many people rave about her that I tried another book. Not a fan. Glad you said it. Hope potential readers listen! ♥️


MountainSnowClouds t1_j9phnyd wrote

I agree with you completely. Toxic relationships are fine to read about in books IF they are portrayed as toxic. Colleen Hoover didn't portray these relationships as toxic! She portrayed them as romantic! Young girls read her books and this is the example that they have of what a romantic and good relationship should be! It's disgusting!


Superb_Tiger_8376 t1_j9smvdi wrote

It is not the duty of the writer to educate their readers about good and bad relationships.

And her writing about it might just be from her experience of people actually romanticizing toxic relationips in real life and her trying to capture it. Ask any person in a toxic relationship....and many of them will tell you that they love their partner or father of their child despite the abuse. Abused children are often the same. Human actions often do not make sense and I think writers ought to be allowed to capture that without being labelled as problematic. Now what I have a problem with are the covers of her books. They make the books look like typical romance books. It would be better to sell her books as something different.

Also many people who read her books do recongize they are toxic. A friend of mine read some of her books and said "She really captures the toxicity well." She had two boyfriends who were utter toxic. The first one was a control freak who isolated her from her friends and later became a creep and the second one cheated on her because he assumed they were in an open relationship.