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okiegirl22 t1_j9hldzn wrote

I find the annotations made by previous owners really distracting and avoid them at all costs when I’m buying used books.

Love professionally annotated editions, though!


crinklepop t1_j9iwdl6 wrote

I find my own annotations distracting when I’m rereading a book! I only annotate cheap paperbacks for uni and I’ve one or two novels I’ll eventually replace with unflagged/scribbled on copies because I just want to reread the stories.

Even professional annotations are sometimes annoying. Sometimes they’re really helpful but Ive come across a handful which spoil later parts of the book. Why?!


Blue_Eyed_Biker t1_j9iqjc2 wrote

Same here! I recently had a library book with someone's annotations and it put me right off!


SickSadWorld1005 t1_j9k5s9a wrote

Same. The used bookstore where I sell my books actually won't accept them for resale. Understandably so. I also have zero interest in doing any annotating myself.