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CrazyCatLady108 t1_j8bmmma wrote

Hi! Please post in our weekly "What did you start/finish reading this week" thread here. A new one will be posted tomorrow, if you wish to wait.


312Michelle OP t1_j8bnzu9 wrote

>Hi! Please post in our weekly "What did you start/finish reading this week" thread
>. A new one will be posted tomorrow, if you wish to wait.

You could have said that earlier. The lack of communication here is confusing. :/


CrazyCatLady108 t1_j8bt0t4 wrote

I am not sure what you mean by "You could have said that earlier." Did you send us a message that you did not get a reply to?


312Michelle OP t1_j8cfaml wrote

>I am not sure what you mean by "You could have said that earlier." Did you send us a message that you did not get a reply to?

Nope. You removed my post and didn't tell me why until like 15 minutes later so the hell was I supposed to know? Also, I thought this subreddit was about talking about what we're reading and you removed my post and said I had to post it tomorrow in some other thread. You don't even make these things clear from the get go and you expect people new to this subreddit to know about them? It's just confusing and frustrating. Why do I have to post my post in the weekly "What did you start/finish reading this week" thread? Why can't I start my own original post/thread where I will get only replies to my own post instead of having to post my post in an already existing thread where the replies won't be only about my own post?

People should be allowed to start their own thread and not have to post their stuff in an already existing thread that's overcrowed and that will contain a ton of replies to posts other than their own original post which makes it hard to keep track of which ones are replies to your own post, keep the discussion focussed on your original post, and even have control over what goes and what doesn't go in the thread/discussion (like being able to delete your own original post/thread along with all its comments if a bunch of bullies and trolls try to bash, attack, harass, verbally abuse, doxx you in the comment section, which everyone should be allowed to do for their own safety and sanity), etc.

I want to start my own original post/thread/discussion, that's my point. And that's why I'm frustrated and angry, because my post was removed and I was told to go post in an already existing thread which is not what I wanted and because the mods on this subreddit didn't make things clear from the get go and the lack of communication is frustrating 'cause my post was removed without so much as an explanation and the explanation came AFTER the post was removed and my desire to start my own original post/thread/discussion (especially one entitled "what you reading right now?") was not even taken into account and I wasn't given the opportunity to start my own.

Also, I'm very disappointed that there doesn't seem to be a section of this subreddit or a thread or a space dedicated to people who want to talk about/discuss Sherlock Holmes novels (some of the greatest classics of all times). I wanted to start a discussion about Sherlock Holmes novels and even shared video book discussions about some of those great books with other bookworms. There aren't that many all genre book/novel subreddits on Reddit (let alone one dedicated solely to book discussions about Sherlock Holmes novels), so I was hoping that THIS subreddit would let me start my own original post/thread/discussions on "what are you reading right now?" and/or on Sherlock Holmes novels. Surely that is feasible.


CrazyCatLady108 t1_j8e8hgx wrote

The message about the removal was posted at the same time the post was removed. Reddit has been having errors for the last couple of days, so there may have been a delay in you seeing the message but there is nothing we can do about that.

You can make a post about Sherlock Holmes in our sub or you can post in /r/Holmes. We do not have dedicated sections for any authors no matter how popular because there are just too many of them. But you are always welcome to make a thread discussing your favorite Holmes stories.

If you want to find out what others are reading right now, you can check our weekly "What did you start/finish this week" thread. If you make a standalone thread it will just be removed and you would be redirected there.

In the future you can modmail us if are not sure what sort of posts we allow, before you make a post. This may save you the frustration. Let us know if you have any other questions. Have a great day!