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CrazyCatLady108 t1_j8e8hgx wrote

The message about the removal was posted at the same time the post was removed. Reddit has been having errors for the last couple of days, so there may have been a delay in you seeing the message but there is nothing we can do about that.

You can make a post about Sherlock Holmes in our sub or you can post in /r/Holmes. We do not have dedicated sections for any authors no matter how popular because there are just too many of them. But you are always welcome to make a thread discussing your favorite Holmes stories.

If you want to find out what others are reading right now, you can check our weekly "What did you start/finish this week" thread. If you make a standalone thread it will just be removed and you would be redirected there.

In the future you can modmail us if are not sure what sort of posts we allow, before you make a post. This may save you the frustration. Let us know if you have any other questions. Have a great day!