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sisharil t1_j7wzggh wrote

I consider love of Jung to be something of a red flag for rightwingers that are into the absolute bullshit that is Jordan Peterson-style pseudoscience and theorizing. This is admittedly perhaps unfair of me. But Jung (and Freud), pioneers as they were in their field, are fairly... how to put it... they aren't exactly up to date on modern psychoanalysis, with many of their ideas shown to be unscientific and flawed.


autumnjager t1_j7x145o wrote

Yes, it is unfair of you. Also Freud != Jung. I suggest you try the first section of psychology and alchemy. Jung documents the analysis of a subject via dreams. It's about as easy to read as Jung gets.


sisharil t1_j7x16az wrote

I don't really care about dream analysis, but thanks.