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tygerprints t1_jadmyjo wrote

My love of reading was sparked by my Dad, who used to pick up anything nearby and read it to us at bedtime. Comic books, newspapers, shakespeare, the bible, pieces of mail, anything.

And that's really how I became a lover of reading and an educated man. To me it's quite obvious why libraries and books of all kinds are necessary and important. And I have hard time understanding how anyone could be OK with any sort of a ban on books.

I'm more than just concerned about book bans, I'm sickened and disgusted by them. I've seem videos of the parents who are trying to ban books and I'm horrified at the lack of intelligence and the bigotry on open display. These parents are unhappy with their lives, and it's obvious they want everyone else to be also.

No society of any worth would ever ban a book of any kind for any reason. And yet somehow one of the most violent and sexually explicit and gory books, The Bible, never gets brought up for discussion for removal.

Which proves to me that all this book banning is just knee-jerk reactionism toward progressive and scientific reasoning. If the Bible isn't excluded, then it proves that these are just acts of smallness and bigotry on the parts of those promoting such bans.