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theCatLeigh t1_je4jgzw wrote

Basically one big book about the author’s cognitive dissonance.


JLeavitt21 t1_je4nwzk wrote

Chickens will eat each other, their babies and you, if you fell unconscious or died in their pen.


Amphy64 t1_je5kx5k wrote

It's not the keeping them, a vegan might have rescue chickens, it's the use of them, including eggs. There are health problems associated with egg laying, as domestic chickens are bred to lay far more and bigger eggs than their jungle fowl ancestors. So a vegan with rescue chickens would feed the eggs back to the chickens, seeing them as theirs, helping them regain the lost calcium, and also consider hormonal prevention of egg laying. Veganism is primarily against seeing non-human animals as being for human use.


MoaningLisaSimpson t1_je5qb51 wrote

My boyfriend's dream is for us to rent property and raise chickens together. I am not excited about the prospect except for "free" eggs.* I have to read this and figure what kind of weirdo I'm dating.**

  • we are very casual, three years seeing each other, not in any hurry to live with him, much less raise chickens.

**i, too, am a weirdo. But he knows what kind of weirdo I am. Comic geek, book lady, workaholic.


LaunchTransient t1_je5rr6k wrote

>helping them regain the lost calcium

A common practice in smallholding is to feed the egg shells (crushed) back to the chickens in their feed.

>There are health problems associated with egg laying, as domesticchickens are bred to lay far more and bigger eggs than their jungle fowlancestors

A wide sweeping statement which is not accurate for all breeds of chicken. There are hundreds of breeds, from Bantams to Orpingtons, who lay at varying frequencies and various sizes and colours of egg.

>and also consider hormonal prevention of egg laying.

Tinkering with the reproductive system of an animal to satisfy your personal ideology? Surely that's hypocritical under veganism?

>Veganism is primarily against seeing non-human animals as being for human use.

I take the view that responsible and considerate husbandry of most animals can be symbiotic or commensalist. If the animals are healthy and happy whilst also providing milk/eggs/wool/honey, I see no issue with it.


theCatLeigh t1_je60wum wrote

Oh is it an odd take that after a decade of working with animals I’m aware that responsible hen keepers don’t take their eggs? Lol I’m not the one inventing excuses to eat chicken menstruation 🤷🏻‍♀️


theCatLeigh t1_je61fxb wrote

Lol why are your trying to speak for me? The problem isn’t keeping animals that can’t care for themselves anymore due to animal agriculture. The problem is people pretending it’s ethical to take their eggs away because they’ve convinced themselves eating chicken menstruation is a necessity 🙄


LaunchTransient t1_je61tn8 wrote

I mean, I have kept chickens, free roaming in an orchard. They have no interest in keeping their eggs most of the time. They get trampled or buried under straw where they go off. Occasionally you'll get a broody hen, but it's not guaranteed.

>Lol I’m not the one inventing excuses to eat chicken menstruation

If you're trying to gross me out, it's not working. If you choose not to eat eggs, fine, I will respect your dietary choices. Even though I know it's a one way street.


LaunchTransient t1_je62hkn wrote

You were receiving a tonne of downvotes for your argument and hadn't responded for 6 hours. I thought I would elaborate on the basis that your argument may have been misconstrued by some.

I now know that trying to defend someone who is hostile to everyone else is a fool's errand. Fuck me for trying to give everyone a chance to defend their point of view, right?


LaunchTransient t1_je64ddo wrote

Cognitive dissonance is the holding of two incompatible beliefs, or having beliefs at odds with your lifestyle, at the same time. This isn't that.

If you ever wonder why vegans are unpopular with the population at large, it's because your attitude towards other people while making your point sucks.


queercactus505 t1_je6ks7b wrote

Amphy is correct. Some vegans who have chickens (often chickens originally intended for commercial egg production) cook and feed the eggs back to their chickens. Hormonal prevention of egg laying hapoens in the form of a device implanted under the skin (like Suprelorin). This is an expensive ($90-$600 a pop), hard to source, and a temporary measure (effectiveness varies from hen to hen and can last from 2 weeks to two years) and is mostly used for hens who are ill and have a higher chance of dying or who have reproductive system issues. Neither the effects of pain involved in laying, nor the effects of hormone use, have been extensively studied. I would love to see more research about this. It is true that there are many species of chickens. In my area, leghorns are used most for egg production because they can begin laying after only a few months and lay up to 300 eggs a year. I'm glad I don't have to lay 300 eggs a year 😅


HildaMarin t1_je7un1x wrote

Amazing thanks!

Chicken sentience: a bold and audacious claim I am behind.


HildaMarin t1_je7utqo wrote

They believe it is wrong to steal the eggs of the hens.

Me I just make sure the hens are not looking since some do get upset that someone is stealing their eggs. Since they can not count and do not have the sort of memory to keep track of such it's fine and causes no distress to sneak as many eggs as you want. But if they see you taking them it causes distress in some hens who are making some sort of connection.


ub3rh4x0rz t1_je7yzkn wrote

Only a minority of hens have the broody instinct from what I can tell. Furthermore unless you have roosters, the eggs are infertile anyway. Calling it irresponsible to take the eggs is a joke.