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Helln_Damnation t1_jdlg24b wrote

I re-read it in the last year. I think I plodded through, just to finish it. I don't remember it now as being so long, but the different episodes are interesting and worth persevering. Can't say that I loved it, bu glad I reaqd it. It's one that you can pick up and put down as you feel like it.


ZeMastor t1_jdlmpe4 wrote

We get that question all the time, either on r/books or on the dedicated sub r/areadingofmontecristo

Check out this posting. It sounds like abridged would be better for you. If you read the right one, and decide you LOVE it, you can graduate to unabridged later.

You're only 150 pages in, so you haven't hit "Rome" yet.


dprgx t1_jdm8s5b wrote

R/areadingofmontecristo exists??? Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!


jackfaire t1_jdlrp2l wrote

My trick with books that aren't getting me is to jump to the last chapter and read a few pages. If it's interesting enough that I want to know how it got there I'll go back and keep reading. If it's not I'll give up on the book.


Convus87 t1_jdljzdu wrote

I loved the first 3rd? Hated the middle part and just started to enjoy it again, however I'm not a good reader and I am having a break and reading shorter/easier books.

My biggest struggle is keeping up with the names.


Terrible_Vermicelli1 t1_jdlu7gq wrote

I disliked first couple hundred of pages, just totally not the kind of book I would normally read. But I knew I would finish it, even if I didn't like it, so it was easier. I think at about 600-700 pages I was actually interested in the story and how it would end and from this point onward I stayed invested. It's not my all time favorite, but I'm glad I've read it, I think it's finely executed and you do appreciate by the end of it how all the plot lines fall into place.

Is there a specific thing you dislike in the book?


grinpicker t1_jdlzgaj wrote

Hang in there. Worth the ending


Biphasal t1_jdm1ddl wrote

It's a lot of set up at the beginning, but I personally feel like it "picks up" at the chapter entitled "Number 34 and Number 27", lol.


CrazyCatLady108 t1_jdn147m wrote

Please post 'Should I keep reading' questions, in our Weekly Recommendation Thread.