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Darathin t1_jd994i6 wrote

I never finished the Baroque Trilogy, but finished Anathem in a week and then reread it a couple years later. Despite loving everything else Stephenson wrote, The Baroque Cycle felt like pulling my own teeth, with rare interjections of fun storytelling and compelling plots. It dragged me through the first book and almost to the end of the second, but I burned out and never returned. I still sometimes think about Anathem's quantum reality interpretation, how it compares to Dune's golden path, and the implications of being able to visualize such things such that you can affect them within the remaining set of probabilities.


Mingey_FringeBiscuit t1_jd9a5i7 wrote

I was just joshing about how dense those two works are. I’ve read the Baroque Trilogy 4-5 times, but There are large parts of “Quicksilver”, mainly about math, that I find myself skimming when I read it again.


zephyr220 t1_jdd8ybw wrote

The Baroque Cycle is up there with my favorites, but I cannot imagine reading the entire trilogy 5 times.

Would love to watch it as a movie or tv series, though, if that were possible.