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Raindrops_On-Roses t1_jeezv0m wrote

Embarrassing? I'm not embarrassed by anonymous conversations on the internet. This has no impact on my actual life. It's just a time killer between tasks, responsibilities, and activities. As I told somebody else in this thread, made-up internet points mean absolutely nothing to me. I already left this sub, so a ban wouldn't impact me at all, and even if I hadn't, it's one sub out of countless subs that I can join. Shit, I could be banned from all of reddit, and I would just find a different way to kill some time. This is just a good time, lmao. I'm having fun. That's why most of us engage in leisure activities.


TunaLaguna t1_jef0inm wrote

You're working pretty hard to make sure everyone knows that this means nothing to you, and you're not bothered, yet you've been at it for 17 hours now. I am done with this conversation. If you can't tell by the downvotes, it would seem you're wasting your time. Buh-bye!


Raindrops_On-Roses t1_jef1l0d wrote

Whatever you say, buddy. I like to debate. It's fun. That doesn't mean that it has a heavy impact on me, lmao. But the fun thing about you being a stranger on the internet is that you can think whatever you want about me and it doesn't have any potential to change anything in my life. But sure. Keep talking about the made-up internet points in your pretentious echo chamber.


TunaLaguna t1_jef3by8 wrote

Yes I am definitely the pretentious one here lol


Ok-Enthusiasm-8052 t1_jeg42t6 wrote

This is seriously the most bizarre thread. I've never seen people so furious about something that affects literally no one.