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deevulture t1_jdwh560 wrote

Reply to comment by ZeroNot in Cancelled books? by FaithlessnessOdd9006

People also don't seem to be interested in continuing a series even if the next book is available for various reasons. This is a phenomenon I've seen my library in libby. The first book in a series you've got to wait weeks for, but you can check out the sequel(s) any time you like


ZeroNot t1_jdwi1j6 wrote

Yeah. The sales charts for popular and successful series I've seen basically have book two at about 50% of the sales of book one, and book three at about 30% of the sales of book one.


Merle8888 t1_jdyte4j wrote

That makes sense, plenty of people won’t continue a series but few will read book 3 without having read the first two! Though publishers nevertheless put out so many series that I assume they must get more overall sales anyway when seeing the sequels around causes more people to buy book 1.