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Fantastic-Ad7752 t1_jdc5ugo wrote

I always tend to rate books higher right after finishing them, then sometimes i get back and downgrade them later on haha.

5* is I am obsessed, I love everything about that book. Love how it makes me feel, love the message, the characters, the writing style, will probably reread some day.

4* when I really enjoyed the book but there was something missing, maybe it had some boring parts in it or was dragging on for too long

3* often means I’m not quite sure what to think about the book. I liked parts and at the same time I disliked other parts a lot. It was okay. Not more, not less.

2* is usually when I was glad when I finally got through a book. Books I didn’t like at all but pushed through and sometimes was even close to give up on reading it.

1* - I think it happened only once but was a DNF at like 50% that i hated and literally made me mad.


Ecstatic_Duck8704 t1_jdcmjs4 wrote

Omg! Thought I was was the only one to do this 😂 I feel sometimes if I don’t like the ending I emotionally rate the book lower than it deserves. Then I go back to change it.


ondinemonsters t1_jdcn0qh wrote

This is why I don't like to rate books on public forums. My emotions and personal preference always intertwine in my rating. And I'm afraid someone else who the books style is more their cuppa won't read it and enjoy it, because it wasn't my personal taste.


arsbar t1_jdd6n4h wrote

I only rate about half the books I read for this reason — that and many books take effort to assess quality. Reviews are much more valuable to a reader IMO, I try to explain what did and didn't work for me, so someone with different tastes can get an understanding of if those things will be an issue for them.


dreamsofaninsomniac t1_jddvvi7 wrote

It's usually the ending that makes me downgrade my rating too. I also factor in re-readability. Most books fall in the "3" category for me, a few might make it into the "4" category, but "5"s are the rarest for me.


Fast-Chest-3976 t1_jdecz2h wrote

Yeah I’m with you on the 3 star rating, I definitely wouldn’t recommend someone a 3* book


F4RCE t1_jdd0qtq wrote

Basically how I look at it too. I think the only books I've rated 1 star were books I was forced to read for schoolwork and hated. There are some others I dislike so much I couldn't finish them but I feel like I shouldn't give a rating for a book when I haven't read the whole thing


dreamsofaninsomniac t1_jddw3rz wrote

I hesitate to rate any book a 1 since I think you can usually find some redeeming quality in any book, even if you might not like it.


thebooksqueen t1_jdfb7o3 wrote

Read nine lives by Peter swanson, that is the definition of a one star book lol


dreamsofaninsomniac t1_jdfdqt8 wrote

The synopsis seems like a standard thriller. What's so bad about it compared to other books in that genre?


thebooksqueen t1_jdgseu8 wrote

The plot didn't make sense, the characters were very basic, racist slurs, constant references to and then there were none by Agatha Christie (I'm talking blatant and every other page) and the whole reason behind the plot was, frankly, astounding levels of ridiculous.

It's been a long time since I've hated a book that much lol


Clint_Barton_ t1_jdddi92 wrote

I actually do the opposite. I sometimes won’t love something as I finish, but then six months to a year later will look back on it more favorably (possibly because of some short term nostalgia).