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Jigglejagglez t1_jddgqei wrote

It's complicated I think because even though I have a follower audience of only 4, I really want to be fair to the authors. I often go back and edit my ratings down on average by 1 star a few months later.

5: It could be life changing for me. At the very least it was profound in its artistry and I have read nothing like it. There were no problems with the characters, prose, or plot. It left me thinking and enriched my intellectual or spiritual life. It's an important book for someone to read because they might finish a better person.

4: Really incredible in just about every way. No character development bromides. Unique in some way (I really appreciate novelty). I derived value from this book intellectually or spiritually even if it didn't introduce any necessarily new concept.

3: It was good. There were some things that didn't quite work for me. The most common culprit is a repetitive word or phrase or a character that doesn't really feel totally genuine. I enjoyed reading it almost every step of the way, even if some parts may have been overly contrived.

2: It has something that really irked me but I was ble to finish and appreciate it in some way. This may be that a character is just unrealistic (most common), for example a child said to have an enormous IQ and that somehow means she uses adult idioms that, despite her intelligence, wouldn't have the life experience yet to really speak that way. Or an the same deal but an overly matured child. I really really dislike when an author (Stephen King and John Grisham do this a lot) fixate on sexual aspects of women. I really hate whenever a male main character encounters a women, I must read a paragraph about his thoughts on her boobs and ass, which is sometimes the very first thing to come up when her character is introduced. Brandon Sanderson flirts with this in Way of Kings between Dalinar and Navani but he doesn't take it far enough to be annoying - I just feel like I don't need to read 50 times over how hot he finds her. To digress though, there was something about the book that redeemed it such that finishing didn't take years off my life span.

1: A rare rating for me. Always a DNF. These books are trash and make me think that if THIS got published, maybe I have a chance to be an author too. All of the issues in the 2 star but also the plot and characters are entirely inane. This is like the book equivalent of watching a slapstick cartoon. Maybe it's for adults but it's just so puerile, boring, and even annoying. First book that comes to mind is Gerald's Game. Closed that one after 10 pages and donated it to the café bookshelf


pensieve64 OP t1_jddittv wrote

It’s interesting that you review your ratings after a period of time- how many ratings stay the same after a few months?


Jigglejagglez t1_jddug10 wrote

Just to make a guess of it, I might feel less warm to about 60-70% of the books after a while. I'll recognize that they weren't really special enough to stay with me or make me want to recommend them as much as when I first finished them