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julieannie t1_jdy1ucu wrote

Right there with you. I’ve finished 10 books so far this month, I’m in the process of 3 1/2 books (one did not work as audio so I’m attempting to swap to ereader) but I also DNF 5 books this month.

That sounds a bit mad when I write it out but one was a medical history that used really outdated terms despite being mostly recent and made me doubt I could trust the conclusions, one was a series that no longer was working for me, one was a topic I realized I had more expertise in than the author (one of my niche obsessions in history), and two were probably lovely but I realized I wasn’t the right audience. By quitting them, it freed me up to read the other books and oh I felt such joy at every one I finished. Coming off of that feeling just encourages me to keep reading rather than dwelling on the DNFs as a failure.