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Bigleftbowski t1_jdbq2jv wrote

I'm still trying to figure out why books with LGBTQ+ and Blacks are suddenly bad beyond the fact that Republicans need a hate platform to go along with the "sky is falling" platform.


glitchycat39 t1_jdcmym9 wrote

Trying to squeeze one or two more elections out of the old fucks before Gen Z and the millennials become the majority of the voting base


Bigleftbowski t1_jdct05s wrote

That's why they're pushing as many voter supression laws as they can.


glitchycat39 t1_jdct738 wrote

Yeah they're kinda in for a surprise. That only works for so long.


phoenixstormcrow t1_jdd0x70 wrote

Because the GOP can't use abortion to rile up their constituents anymore, they need a new "Save the Children" crisis to wave around.


ManOnTheMun25 t1_jddfj4j wrote

This particular book talks about prostate massage among other things. People that dont want their children seeing that stuff arent crazy or FaSciSt.


Bigleftbowski t1_jdduclh wrote

This book is Gay is not a good example and has caught flack from gays as being unrealistic and lacking useful information. And of course, young people are reading it because the stick-up-the-ass Republicans are trying to ban it.

In any case, I'm still trying to figure out how including Rosa Parks violating the law that required a Black person to give up their seat to a white person in a history book is "dangerous" and "woke". The only chance Republicans have to win in 2024 is to push through as many voter suppression laws as they can.


Hartastic t1_jdew8j6 wrote

> In any case, I'm still trying to figure out how including Rosa Parks violating the law that required a Black person to give up their seat to a white person in a history book is "dangerous" and "woke".

In a recent court case...

> “DeSantis' lawyers were forced by the court to define "woke." The lead lawyer described it as "The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them."

So "it's not fair that black people have to go to back of the bus" is right about on. Of course they'd typically rather not say that part out loud and would rather motte-and-bailey fallacy it.