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GaimanitePkat t1_jdcvrde wrote

>family values

Almost always a dogwhistle term for conservative heteronormativity, shaming single parents, same-sex couples, and people who choose not to procreate, and establishing the white Christian nuclear family model (with stay at home mom) as superior to all others.

So basically it's a cute little wholesome term for institutionalized racism and misogyny.


>How about good grades being mandated for the basics that is in place vs the energy spent making sure books like this that cause controversy in the first place don’t even happen

So you're saying that you agree with books about LGBT+ people and people of color being banned from schools. As though a single book in a library is causing the downfall of the American public school system.


>Before we get our panties in a bunch to the point we are fighting to get it there in the first place and someone threatens to blow up schools for it

So you're saying that terroristic threats are to be expected for the crime of including books in a school library which discuss LGBT+ themes.


>Wasted efforts when they could be spending time invested in neutral materials teaching kids fundamentals

By "neutral", of course, you mean "devoid of LGBT+ themes or mention". Kind of like how being any color other than white, and any orientation other than heterosexual, and any religion other than Christian, is considered "political".

I can see by your post history that you're American Indian - why are you aligning yourself with the groups who think that books about your culture and history should also be banned from schools? Why do you talk about "family values" when, within living memory, that included forcible assimilation of indigenous children into white society?


Ancient_Artichoke555 t1_jdcw7b7 wrote

First of all. You are speaking with first people indigenous roots to the lands of the earth you may be standing on today.

I spoke of my peers in my age. But since you have pinned them to me. Let me wait for a reread at you again before I reply to this.


GaimanitePkat t1_jdcygyb wrote

>First of all. You are speaking with first people indigenous roots to the lands of the earth you may be standing on today.

I understand that.

And the people who are trying to ban books about LBGT+ people are also banning books about indigenous culture.

Because they think your culture is deviant, and lesser than white culture.

Again, these are the groups you're aligning yourself with.


Ancient_Artichoke555 t1_jdd01j4 wrote

I am going to further give you my stats and I will respond I am taking in your comments in the spirit in which you spit them. I just have to run my brains processes to do so.

I was born in San Jose California 1976. I am product of a divorced home raised in a single parent household. I lived in the hood. I am only the second generation of missioned Indians at Santa Inez living “freed.”

The men in my family have served in this military both by drafts and enlisted. American Spanish revolution war drafted, wwii drafted.

These are my stats I will share thus far.


Ancient_Artichoke555 t1_jdd0kax wrote

Do you agree with public schools period?

They are in them of themselves immersion of anglo culture and always have been. And that would be who you are aligning with all along if you do believe in it.


GaimanitePkat t1_jdd0sil wrote

I think that the American public school system is definitely a mess than needs serious overhaul, but I don't think that banning books/lessons/curriculum/teaching staff that represent anything other than "straight white Christian" is a step in the direction to making schools safer, more inclusive, and a better learning environment for all children.


Ancient_Artichoke555 t1_jdd4hbj wrote

How about in this age they focus on one task that they are failing at now such as reading writing and math.

Why skip ahead to other concepts beyond understanding if they don’t have the basics to do so.

Why skip to teach culture of any kind if they can’t read.

Why skip to teaching sexuality and anything related if I haven’t had a period yet and again have No deducing skills to be able to pick a decent human to share sexual acts with.

Do you think because this is a structure who by the way the white Christian brought here with them is the only structure.

Do you think my culture had a classroom of village kids in it and one ndn lady taught them language in their tipi.

Go fight with the same venom and conviction to actually educate children with the basics forget all extras until we make a mark in that department no?

All of the divisions and opinions of this ages education has continued to divide its efficiency as we added to it and fought about it this far.

Now again I am indigenous, it is not until the masses in these Americas get treated every bit like we have been before this will change.

Find an Indian these days to find out how this plays out for you all. Ignored is what the people are now, just like our cry’s were. Wait for when eating amongst your group is deemed illegal. And I suppose since this age in rebelliousness decided that religion is a no no, they don’t have to take religion from very many.

Indians believe in Creator in Great Spirit in The Great Mystery, if you have problem with a Christian a Jew or a Muslim you will also take an issue with me. We would be fundamentally different and with high probability possibly never be able to see eye to eye nor align. We could compromise should we need but in this instance and circumstances change will only come after thinking critically about what was said today and to refine that or enamel that by action on an individual level is what has to happen beyond that discovery.

P.s. do not use Indians as a bullet for your gun unless you are us and have been taught you will never understand that weight of the Amo you are using and it isn’t yours to use. To use it as a bullet I am beyond upset about. I can only hope you at the very least have a descendant waaaaay back that can be the liaison on your behalf for what you have done here today by trying to use it.

Peace be with you. To all my relations!





GaimanitePkat t1_jdd7nq2 wrote

>How about in this age they focus on one task that they are failing at now such as reading writing and math.

Reading, writing, and math are still all taught. Nobody is replacing these subjects.

History class is in danger, though, because people don't want children to learn history and would rather they learn lies such as "Black people in America were indentured servants" and "Native people and Pilgrims were friends who got along and the Pilgrims taught the Natives their good Christian ways peacefully".


>Why skip ahead to other concepts beyond understanding if they don’t have the basics to do so.
>Why skip to teach culture of any kind if they can’t read.

Are you suggesting that having BOOKS about other cultures is stopping children from being able to read?


>Why skip to teaching sexuality and anything related if I haven’t had a period yet and again have No deducing skills to be able to pick a decent human to share sexual acts with.

The book which was the subject of the bomb threat was not being taught. It was not the focus of any lessons, lectures, or homework. It simply existed in the school. It sat on a shelf in the school. A child who read that book would have to do so on their own time.

Neutrally acknowledging that LGBT+ people exist is not "teaching sexuality". Children in a school might have LGBT+ parents, neighbors, relatives, etc. Insisting that this topic is not allowed to be even mentioned, even in the most simple terms of "this exists," helps nobody.


>Do you think because this is a structure who by the way the white Christian brought here with them is the only structure.
>Do you think my culture had a classroom of village kids in it and one ndn lady taught them language in their teepee.

I'm not sure of what you are trying to accuse me of here.


Ancient_Artichoke555 t1_jdda793 wrote

First paragraph, why in the fuck would you be teaching ANY history again if the babies at eighteen can’t fucking read….

Why is this so hard for you to get. They can’t read they can’t write they can’t critically think about fucking history.

Okay so teach away history and then what 🤣 they fail at yet another class but hey it’s cool they got to learn something they won’t retain and further be confused by. Then with those stats they likely will repeat in history.

Dude I am so done for now got a few appointments.

Experiment time; if you have children, when was the last time you had your child read a story out loud to you. Can they. If they can, could they then tell you what the story was about. If they can, can they then speculate into the contexts future in anyway beyond the story and articulate that to you.

If your children can, consider them blessed. And I will pray for them for their lives amongst the majority of their peers cannot and your child’s life no matter how smart will be difficult because they themselves are not the majority of their generation.
