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Daihatschi t1_jee15f6 wrote

> though I wish it was longer so some scenes could have played out a bit longer like in the book.

That reminds me of someone who said, I think about the Dune movie:

>Is it good? Yes. Is it everything I wanted? No. But the only version of the story that could ever satisfy my needs would be 6-hours long and probably unwatchable for the majority of people out there.

I understand that feeling very much.


cub3y t1_jefm1nn wrote

When your only complaint is "I wish there was more", generally speaking, that is a good problem to have.

I recently re-watched The Lord of the Rings trilogy extended in their 4K HDR remaster on a proper HDR TV and that was the perfect length to tell those stories. Also have a way better appreciation for them in my 30's than when I was younger 😄