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knightfenris t1_jcktqrw wrote

I wanted to throw a book on the last twilight. The imprinting on Bella’s infant was too much for me. Say what you will about it, but like… nope. No thank you. Unnecessary, useless, stupid, weird.


brevebelle t1_jclgvt4 wrote

LMAOOOO, I came here to comment about that book. I went to the midnight release at B&N, got the book, and went home to binge read. When I got to that part, I literally threw the book across the room and texted how pissed I was to the friend who went with me.

To this day, I've never finished that book.


UnfallenAdventure OP t1_jcku50c wrote

I got a ton of spoilers on the movie version because I could never bring myself to read it.

When I found out about that- oh god you can imagine how much nope to that book I felt. 🥲


CartographerAware412 t1_jckx91i wrote

English is my second language and I looked up what imprinting is, but it doesn’t seem to be bad. Can you please elaborate on why it was too much for you? I haven’t read that book or watched the movie.


thebeautifullynormal t1_jckyv8w wrote

Imprinting generally is when a baby takes on someone as their parent figure. (Ducks are popular for imprinting on humans or other animals).

In the case of twilight it was used as an excuse for a grown man to fall in love with a baby. What's worse is that it is insinuated that they do get together and have children eventually.


[deleted] t1_jcl6ko8 wrote

I actually think it's worse than that because there are other examples of werewolves imprinting on children like Quil Ateara V and while it is said that they will wait until their respective imprintee is old enough to consent to their relationship, SM heavily implied that they're destined to be drawn to the mothers of those respective children to explain Jacob's initial crush on Bella.

Ironically enough, I remember reading an amateur vampire erotica some years ago by an author named Yvonne Ray and there was something similar that happened between a 13-year-old pureborn vampire, Victoria Sinclaire (who was the youngest daughter of the protagonist Ethan Sinclaire) and his best friend, Mason's adopted vampire son, Jamie, who was around 19-years-old.

While I was initially squicked out by it, it was stated in text that Jamie was cognizant of his bond with Victoria and knew from the jump that it would be decades before either would be mature enough to make any decisions regarding their bond or even if they would choose to act on it. By later chapters, it was all but stated that Victoria could hear Jamie's thoughts due to her already advanced telepathy and had grown a crush on him which hinted that their bond was already developing.

An example of this trope done much better if you ask me.


knightfenris t1_jcl0lrb wrote

It was twilight’s way of doing soulmates with werewolves. With a baby and a man.