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twenty-six-sixty-six t1_jd80ih2 wrote

i liked them all, and they don't overexplain

i think people dislike 2 and 3 because they are longer and slower, whereas the first one is short with a simple and irresistible premise. but they're all good imo


CaptainKipple t1_jd91rc2 wrote

In fairness, Authority and Acceptance do have pretty drastically different stylistic approaches. The shift from Annihilation to Authority (with its more grounded, office-intrigue style) in particular can be pretty jarring.

Not that I'm complaining -- I think each book fits with the others, and books 2 and 3 each build to their own forms of weird horror (for lack of a better term!) that are only possible in the contexts they build. I love each book and the trilogy as a whole. But books 2 and 3 aren't just "more Annihilation", and I can see why some people might be put off by that (even if I think they should approach those books on their own terms!).


twenty-six-sixty-six t1_jd91z96 wrote

yeah they are different. i think i liked authority because i've worked at a giant bureaucratic government agency and he gets a lot of things right


treefruit OP t1_jd9bhgg wrote

Lol yeah I havnt ever worked in an office, maybe that's why I'm not picking up on the vibe.


twenty-six-sixty-six t1_jd9dmlv wrote

the main thing i remember that won me over is that on control's first day he can't use his office because his computer is being set up... checks out


treefruit OP t1_jd9bco4 wrote

Yeah, I think maybe I could benefit from some time between Annihilation and Authority. Also the fact that the Biologist at the end of the book pretty much says "Don't follow me." I feel like that whole event needs some room to breath in my mind a little while longer.