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TrogdorMcfuzz t1_jedbs56 wrote

In The Woods by Tana French. I hated how it ended. A massive mystery left unsolved and just a really unsatisfying outcome.


Gusenica_koja_pushi t1_jedlmze wrote

I really wonder why her books receive so much recommendation. I read In the woods, The likeness and some other book that now I can't even recognize by the summary on the Goodreads. The reason why these books are so popular is beyond me.


spacelastly t1_jee3xjl wrote

I will never understand. I read two of her books and thought they were absolutely ridiculous and unsatisfactory.


friarparkfairie t1_jeejnvm wrote

That’s what’s so good about her books. In the real world the mystery of what happened to Rob’s friends and the current case would never be connected. Her books play out as realistically as possible and I appreciate them for that.


tommy_the_bat t1_jeejant wrote

I loved the book but yea I could've done with a little more information. Regardless she's definitely one of my favorite authors


lizifer93 t1_jegd8a3 wrote

I LOVE this book and Tana French is one of my fave authors, but I never recommend this particular one to people because the ending is sooo unsatisfying. I understand it as a choice and respect the balls it took for a debut author to do that, but I also get how deeply frustrating it is.


gmwzio t1_jeeatw1 wrote

YES. I spent so much time thinking about how maybe the mystery was solved if you read between the lines and I was just too stupid to figure it out. I also spent a long time on google trying to figure out if the answer comes out in a later book in the series, but nope each book is a standalone. I couldn’t continue the series I was so frustrated.


friarparkfairie t1_jeejtv1 wrote

No but that’s what’s so good about them! In real life there would never be a connection between what happened to Rob and his friends and the current case - we only expect a connection because most mystery novels have that absurd “the two cases 20 years apart have the same culprit!” that really makes little sense sometimes.


gmwzio t1_jeffwu3 wrote

Sure! And I’m glad you like them. But I don’t read fictional mysteries to make me feel like I’m in the real world. I’ve got enough of the real world as it is.


FieryBush t1_jeeltoo wrote

What??? I'm almost done with the second one right now with plans to read the rest, but that's mainly because I assumed the big mystery in book 1 would be solved eventually 😭