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jstnpotthoff OP t1_je7urlz wrote

I never even implied that listening to an audiobook is in any way inferior to reading a book. I have listened to a few audiobooks and enjoyed them. But reading those same books was a different experience.

And your entire paragraph about the narration enhancing the certain books (the same way watching a play might) only goes to prove the point I was making.

Any joy you had that was squelched has far more to do with your projections than anything I actually said.


ViniVidiVelcro t1_je7zwaj wrote

Reading a non-fiction book is also a different experience to reading a fiction book. Actual research has shown that reading a physical or print book and listening to an audiobook activates the same regions of the brain and has similar retention. So it is indeed reading. That is the opinion of actual experts. Including librarians such as myself. So maybe accept that you aren't the sole arbitrator of what reading is.

Narration enhancing certain books doesn't mean that it is no longer reading any more than a teacher reading books to children at story time means that the books are suddenly no longer the same. It is the same text being experienced. The mode of experience may be different but that is also true in print versus ebook format or in standard font versus large print or in books written in Braille rather than standard print.

Nothing you said could squelch my joy since I am an actual expert rather than speaking with obvious ignorance as you did.

Clearly you have nothing intelligent to say on this subject, so I will converse with you no longer.