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LoriBPT t1_jdr93mt wrote

Loved his early works, then I thought they became formulaic (like Harlan Coban) imo. Still following Sandford’s Prey series, though; you might like that author. (editing to add I thought The Poet might have been one of my all-time favorite books)


yonghybonghybo1 t1_jdr7ssh wrote

Read a few and you’ll see your question is irrelevant. He is one of the best authors of crime novels and well worth the read.


ddpherm t1_jdr8fty wrote

The cases are solvable by the reader, they have more of a mystery element rather than mindless thriller like other similar authors.

The Harry Bosch series is good at the start. Connelly starts to write a lot like James Patterson in the later novels which I really dislike. But if you’re a fan of JP then you would probably also like the later books.


VaultBoyNewVegas t1_jdra098 wrote

I noticed that I didn't enjoy his newer books but wasn't sure why. This would be why, it was the writing style change.


Odd-Independent6177 t1_jdr9u3l wrote

There are clues, but his books are not puzzle-solving whodunnits. I never feel like I’m trying to figure out who is guilty. They are more noir, with lots of moral gray areas. He draws you into the characters and the setting.


CrazyCatLady108 t1_jdrdy5c wrote

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