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Negative-Net-9455 t1_jcav0z1 wrote

I'll curb my initial reaction which was to not think very highly of you and try to be positive.

Tolkien invented whole language systems just to make sure his races had a depth and mythology that didn't feel off the cuff. The lore and therefore depth of the examples you mention are akin to stepping into a puddle vs swimming in the ocean.

The examples you mention have fully realised histories. Tolkien's world has history so established, concrete and utitlised it's become mythology to the characters that take part in the events of the books.

I've read all the stuff you mention and they're simply not comparable. Yes they make you feel like you've stepped into another place. Tolkien makes you feel like you actually live there, or more accurately, that your ancient ancestors did and you're reading their story which is partly about their ancient ancestors. It's so immersive the only fantasy literature I can think of that really compares is Dune.