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helen_twelvetrees t1_jdixeg5 wrote

I really like Cat's Eye. I thought it did a great job in showing how the bullying Elaine suffered in childhood continued to affect her negatively for years afterward. Her tendency to sympathize with men, no matter how badly they were behaving toward the women in their lives, for example. Also, her mistrust of any kind of female authority figures. It's unusual to read a book by a female author where male-female relationships are taken much more lightly while female friendships are portrayed as bloodsport. I also thought Atwood did an excellent job showing how little things that might be easily dismissed by some people, like Cordelia's bullying, which really only lasted for a year or so in her childhood, could have such a huge effect on Elaine that she was still wanting to get closure on it so many years later.

I also liked reading about Elaine's artwork. I'm a very visually-oriented person and I could imagine all of her paintings quite easily and found it fascinating how she used the elements of her past in her artwork.


bye_alisha OP t1_jdj2q6x wrote

>I also liked reading about Elaine's artwork. I'm a very visually-oriented person and I could imagine all of her paintings quite easily and found it fascinating how she used the elements of her past in her artwork.

GREAT point- That's something I didn't mention, but you're so right to state how important and intriguing that was...