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rudebish t1_jdv5wkg wrote

yessss the only time when sneaking past your bedtime is acceptable lol

my kids love reading and I love that they love reading!! continue to foster his love of books! right now one of my kids (a teen) is reading one of my favourite books ever and I couldn't be more overjoyed. I so badly want to talk about it but she's not at the good part yet.


DuxBellorumUthred OP t1_jdv8bli wrote

We own a not insignificant number of books, fiction and non fiction, and I cannot wait until he is old enough to read some of them, especially the fiction so that we can share and discuss them together. We always have done everything we can to foster his love of reading and now he reads in the car on the way to school, on the way back from school, on the toilet before his evening shower and now apparently under the covers after bedtime :-D


rudebish t1_jdv8y1z wrote

love it. Create a little book club for the both of you! it'll be awesome.


DuxBellorumUthred OP t1_jdxigkx wrote

This is a great idea, he is asking me to read his current book when he is finished with it so maybe I can start with that.


bofh256 t1_jdv761z wrote


Next step for you: Teach your kid to set aside the book early enough to be completely rested the next morning.

Source: Avid reader as a kid, with an avid reader kid or two, still avid reader, that - once in a blue moon - reads until dawn.


DuxBellorumUthred OP t1_jdv8sir wrote

Yeah, I can definitely see this as being an issue as he grows more advanced in his reading ability which is already ahead of the curve for his grade. He also has ADHD so the hyperfocus kicks in heavily when he is reading.