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Zr0w3n00 t1_jdmk2pl wrote

Hardback vs Paperback.

I’m a casual reader or normal books (not special editions etc). I want to read my books, not have them as investments, or decoration etc.

I notice hardback books are usually double the price of a paperback copy.

Is it worth the extra money for a hardback, for a reader who actually reads their books?


MorriganJade t1_jdml2li wrote

If you don't care about what the books look like or having them around I think it's definitely worth it to have an ebook reader. They can be quite cheap and are wonderful to read on. I find it more comfortable than both paperbacks and hardbacks. But I usually get hardbacks when I get physical books because they are more durable and don't get ruined


Zr0w3n00 t1_jdml8x5 wrote

I did get a kindle a few years ago, but just couldn’t get into reading it. I kept going back to reading physical books. I’ll take a look at getting some hardbacks in the future.


MikasaMinerva t1_jdy924o wrote

In that case, if I may chime in, I'd recommend library books and second hand books.


OneGoodRib t1_jdo8xqu wrote

For me it entirely depends on how thick the book is. It's easier for me to read doorstoppers if they're hardcover - I can just lay them down and not have to hold up a 1000 page book for however long. But for shorter books it's easier to read them in paperback form.

Also I don't think reading and decorating have to be mutually exclusive. I use my books as decoration when I'm not reading them. So I have to redecorate from time to time as books come in and out.


Zr0w3n00 t1_jdou01i wrote

Completely agree with the second part, just wanted to clarify that I don’t just want super fancy hardbacks for show only


DM_ME_YOUR_HUSBANDO t1_jdodi58 wrote

Hardback books are more profitable for both the publishing company and the author, and are usually released first and only a few months later the paperback comes out. Personally I prefer just getting books from the library or online. If you're reading the book a ton and carrying it around a lot of places, the hardcover would probably stand up to damage a bit better. Otherwise paperback gives the same experience.


Zr0w3n00 t1_jdou42i wrote

Thanks, from the comments I’ve read I think I’ll buy hardbacks from now on, and I’ll start to replace my back catalogue over time