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InvisibleSpaceVamp t1_jdogreh wrote

Maybe because information/entertainment is offered in smaller and smaller bits? Like, there is Tik Tok now because Youtube videos are apparently too long for some people. Or online articles that tell you it takes 3 minutes to read them or "online watch parties" because just watching a movie without some entertainment on the side is apparently not enough anymore.

Just a guess, but I bet this has some kind of effect on how people consume other types of media as well.


Mandalorian326 OP t1_jdoiny0 wrote

I definitely think that TikTok and YouTube short videos have something to do, we are getting used to be permanently entertained and if anything bores us we just swipe and go back to being entertained. But I don't think that's the whole reason because it's something that has happened even with entertaining readings


Khunjund t1_jdphc20 wrote

> Youtube videos are apparently too long for some people

Me who watches nothing but two-hour-long video essays on YouTube: