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mitkah16 t1_jdpxduk wrote

Something extra:

I went from reading up to 30-40 books a year to a declining 3-10 starting 2017. Different situations for me to read presented. I was reading while commuting, now I had a more dynamic commute with almost no time, I was reading during lunch and now I was more engaged with my colleagues during lunch.

It all changed in 2021. That year I read 40 books again!! Last year I reached 55! This year I already have 12 done.

And books actually helped me get into that. “Atomic Habits” (if you read it, my only advice is to skip the chapter 1) and “The art of not giving a f*ck” practically helped me finding what is important to me and why, remove what I don’t find helpful in the life I want and find time for the things I enjoy.

I have at the moment a huge list of “Want to Read” in my Goodreads that might never go to 0 as it keeps growing. And I try to read different topics simultaneously (one chapter a day from one or the other, or few pages a day from few). I separated them in: mental health, work related, fantasy, people (biographies), hobby, fiction and such. And I try to have 1 from each category in my “Currently Reading”. That way I keep my brain challenged and interested by learning from different topics. If I want something lighter, or if I feel like crying or so. I am a curious person by nature and I love learning, I am thirsty for information always, so that also helps, but with today’s media-driven society, your brain might get a bit updated.

Only remember: your brain is yours and you are the driver. You can make it do ANYTHING you want. I know sometimes we need the help of externals like meds or docs, but in general, it is yours to command. Be open to question it and try new things and hack it :)