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schreyerauthor t1_jeg3q9l wrote

A documentary team in the UK put a bunch of boys in a house for a weekend and filmed them. No adults. Just middle school boys and all strangers before the experiment. They repeated it with girls. Both are up on YouTube in full.

Middle schoolers have underdeveloped brains so its fairly predictable that both groups get up to some stupid shit but its the little differences that are interesting.

As for mixing boys and girls, I'm a cynic so if they were over the age of 14 I'd guess it wouldn't go very well for the girls, especially if it was a plane crash on an island and not a single weekend in a house with a clear escape time and cameras rolling. Under 14, its hard to say.


edesanna t1_jeg447j wrote

Yeah, 10-year-olds, especially when girls are starting to hit puberty before the boys, I could see it being virtually the same story