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czl t1_jduohv8 wrote

> Do you ever feel like there's a wealth of knowledge available to us in this day and age?


> With the internet, we have access to countless books, literature, and other resources that could help us become experts in any field we desire.


Yet many suffer the "paradox of choice" with too many choices making us less happy. This is because when we have too many options, it can be difficult to make a decision and we may end up second-guessing ourselves. Additionally, having too many choices can lead to stress and anxiety.

> It's disheartening, though, that so many people choose to spend their time on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram instead of delving into this vast pool of knowledge.

How a society spends its time is a matter for society however how my neighbors spend their time is a matter for my neighbors.

Social media recommendation algorithms lead many to interesting content but also leave many trapped in shallow even pernicious content.

Due to proliferation of information sources and recommendation algorithms different groups now see different "facts" and this is a genuine problem for society.

> Can you imagine what kind of advancements we could make if everyone dedicated just a little time each day to expanding their understanding of the world?

Lots. Yet think to when pyramids were being built and at that time someone might lament "Can you imagine what kind of advancements we could make if everyone dedicated just a little time working harder... " How do the pyramids look to us now?

Some expand their understanding of the world via Instagram, some via Reddit, some via math textbooks. A free economy has everyone individually decide what is and is not worthwhile and that allocates resources in our society. These decisions are not always the best but freedom even to be dumb and suffer the consequences I believe should be respected.

> It's a missed opportunity, but there's still hope that more people will recognize the potential that lies within easy reach.
