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saintaudrey45 t1_iuie2yj wrote

i guess the real question is: does a person read the books in the first place if it wasn’t possible to post about it on the internet for ego points.

try reading the books and not telling anyone and see if you still do it

downvote me all you want. you know it’s true. no one will take this post seriously and read these books with the recommendation in mind; it’s a total ego boost


Cardboard_Eggplant t1_iuik3ek wrote

Wow, the nerve of OP, posting their opinions about the books they've read in a subreddit for discussing books...


bobnsav t1_iuifq00 wrote

lol and posting this isn't an ego boost. OK.


saintaudrey45 t1_iuifuf6 wrote

an ego boost for downvotes? YOURE RIGHT!


ashrevolts t1_iuig5iv wrote

idk, i have read some of these and some are on my to-read list, so i looked up the others and found one to add to my list for the future. if you didn't find this post helpful that's fine but as a horror lover i enjoyed it.


Supergoch t1_iuijyon wrote

I have totally picked up books based upon recommendations on this sub.


jdino t1_iuipj9h wrote


Personally, I think it’s fun to talk about books but that’s why I’m subbed here


HugoNebula t1_iuip1n7 wrote

What a sad and unlovely place this comes from.


FantasmaDelMar t1_iuiytxp wrote

I’d much rather read a post like this with some good recommendations than the usual r/books post of “I just finished Project Hail Mary and WOW!”.


[deleted] t1_iuimgxa wrote



saintaudrey45 t1_iuimnzi wrote

read these books and come back and tell me what you think. either that or im right


murphyVsteeplechase t1_iuimsoj wrote

Not interested in any of them but doesn’t mean I didn’t read them thinking I might be.


saintaudrey45 t1_iuinzs9 wrote

you’ve made my point thank you. no one , literally zero people, will read this post and take it serious . literally zero people will look through it for recommendations, read the book they thought sounded good, and be thankful.

some posts in this forum actually do have good recommendations, but they are clearly different from a post like this where a redditor thinks he is a critic and needs an ego boost


IronSorrows t1_iuipg11 wrote

That mini-review of The Fisherman caught my eye and I've now added it to my watchlist. I'm a big horror fan but drifted away from reading in recent years, and seeing someone that enjoyed books I did (like The Only Good Indians) recommending things really helps give me an idea of what to keep an eye out on.

Just because posts are of no interest to you, and even if there's an ulterior motive for them being posted, doesn't mean they don't help others. Even if nobody read the thread now, there's no reason someone couldn't come across it in a few years time while googling suggestions (happened to me plenty of times with Reddit posts over the years).


murphyVsteeplechase t1_iuip25w wrote

But I did take it seriously. Lol. And then realized none of these books were interesting to me (they’re outside of what I typically like anyway so not on OP).


RevHenryMagoo t1_iuiy0q7 wrote

I rather enjoy the recommendations and lists on this sub. Some more than others, but if you find another reader with similar tastes for one book or author it’s good way to discover other works you might enjoy. I’m not sure what’s wrong inside of you that you would take time to post a response like this, but I’m sure whatever it is flies below your radar of self-reflection, so I’m afraid all I can spare is a bit of pity for a soul as sad as yours.


imnotmarvin t1_iuiy18z wrote

Wait. You likely read which is what would lead someone to peruse a sub called r/books. But to have the sub, people have to post about books that one would assume have been read. So what are you doing in r/books if not to read posts about books?


Blurybuzz t1_iujmu05 wrote

Dude, I think you might be on the wrong sub or maybe even the platform... I love looking for recommendations for my next read on exactly this kind of threads and kudos to the op for taking the time to put together this list and most of all, a short, spoiler-free description. But I didn't downvote you because I don't like using this function as a disagree button.