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Leramar89 t1_iuif0f7 wrote

I really wouldn't call Best Served Cold horror, it's a fantasy revenge story. Also, yes, if you're into fantasy and haven't read the the First Law series then I highly recommend it.


CasualTotoro OP t1_iujcqzp wrote

Alright you got me. I wanted to read Abercrombie and I lied to myself that bloody grim dark would count towards my Halloween of Horrors.

And I’ll stand by it, far bloodier than some of the other entries.


sdwoodchuck t1_iuiyly0 wrote

Even if you’re not into fantasy, it’s worth a look. I’m pretty iffy on the genre (there are a few gems I love, but I’m mostly not that interested in the tropes fantasy gets stuck in), but Abercrombie grabbed me pretty quickly.


jiggliebilly t1_iuj4bgx wrote

Was going to say the same thing. Incredible book but grimdark fantasy not horror (or even horror adjacent tbh), with a great sense of humor.

His 'First Law' series that this is a part of is probably in my top 5 favorite fantasy works


Dr_Beardlicious t1_iujnw2f wrote

Literally my favourite book series by far. I've read them all multiple times and still thoroughly enjoy them.