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AtraMikaDelia t1_iug3dkt wrote

I don't think there's any women mentioned in Storm of Steel, let alone romance. Just good old fashioned trench warfare with a heavy sprinkling of artillery. Although that's really a memoir, not a novel, so I don't know if it counts.

There's also Remarque's books, while All Quiet on the Western Front does have a small sex scene in it (no romance, though), I don't think The Road Back had any sex or romance at all. It's got a small flashback to the main character going to a brothel and then backing out at the last minute, but that's it.


throwaway-clonewars OP t1_iug3sap wrote

Those are interesting. From the sounds of it, those are all war type books or heavily plotted around battle type situations where there's not much down or free time


AtraMikaDelia t1_iuhalts wrote

I don't think that's an accurate description at all. They are all focused on the war, mostly because I was trying to think of books without women and there's not many women on the front lines of WW1, but even in war there's huge amounts of downtime. All Quiet especially is mostly focused on this part, and I'd estimate a good third of Storm of Steel is simply Junger describing what he and his comrades did while taking cover from artillery.

The Road Back is set immediately after the war, so if course it has nothing to do with combat at all.


throwaway-clonewars OP t1_iuj2msu wrote

Ah. My bad, I was really just guessing based on the titles. I'm usually not a history/historical fiction reader so im usually just guessing about what the books are about