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fingersonlips t1_itz5pt5 wrote

Cormac McCarthy's The Road.


congradulations t1_iu1as62 wrote

This is my best answer too. Deeply, DEEPLY depressing, bleak, but with brilliant prose that is both worldly and intensely vivid. Come for the dark journey through the heart of darkness, stay for the masterful narration (with a single, subtle shift)


SnarkDolphin t1_iu27hx6 wrote

I was about to pick up a copy of The Passenger today but I just read Blood Meridian last week so I think I need to decompress a bit before I bite into any more McCarthy

I can’t imagine the past few decades has made a terminally aging Cormac McCarthy’s view on the nature of humanity any sunnier. Early reviews seem to be that it’s another masterwork though so I’m excited to eventually get around to it