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cantspellrestaraunt t1_iteu6fn wrote

"The kiss of his memory made pictures of love and light against the wall" is purple. Again, sounds very pretty. People can write sentences for the sake of them sounding pretty. Don't really get why I'm being downvoted for saying it's purple and sounds nice.


>The kiss of his memory

ok, a metaphorical memory kiss is a little out there, but I'm definitely following


>made pictures of love and light

the kiss of his memory made pictures of love? right, so 9 words in we're 2 metaphors deep. sounding a bit twee, but I think I'm with you


>against the wall.

oh... so now we're throwing those double-stacked metaphors at a metaphorical wall? Trying to see what'll metaphorically stick? The wall of what, exactly? may as well keep it coming. The wall of her mind? A literal wall?

If I read this verbatim in a poem written by a thirteen-year-old, I wouldn't blink twice.


lurkcatcher t1_itewgi5 wrote

You're getting downvoted for being condescending, to be honest. It's purple, it's twee, it's as if a 13 year old wrote it.

It's fine if you don't like or understand the metaphors, it's fine if you like starker phrasing, it's even okay if you don't get the concept of prisms or memory, but don't say "it's fine" to write sentences just for the sake of sounding pretty, but then basically call the author a 13 year old.