Submitted by finnwittrockswhore t3_yh19ns in books

Not sure why I put this book off for so long but I’m glad I finally bought it. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way while reading a book. Im halfway through and can easily finish tonight but the suspense is kind of making me feel off?. Especially after the rat scene.. lol if you know, you know. I love Stephen kings ability to make me feel shit but I’m kind of disturbed. And it’s not even necessarily scary (yet?) I’m just anxious to see how it ends. The feeling is kind of unsettling.


This book is simply amazing. I just finished it and I can’t believe the toll it took on me. I thought Annie licking the rat blood off of her fingers was disturbing but the the way she murdered the young cop, the imagery of her, burnt up and crawling after Paul. Moaning and trying to string together the words “dirty bird” with a damaged throat..her weight falling on him, Her fingers peeking under the door, the fact that she was still alive as Paul slept in the bathroom.. super creepy. And somehow her devotion to the misery till the very end is even creepier. UGH. King you’ve managed to completely wreck me once again.



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dontreallyneedaname- t1_iubimyl wrote

Jealous of you reading this for the first time.


finnwittrockswhore OP t1_iuf2w87 wrote

Lol I just finished it and I’m already sad that I’ll never get it read it again for the first time.


Chicachikka t1_iubim71 wrote

Its not scary so much as disturbing and … yeah, disturbing is the word that comes to mind.


Gordwait t1_iucdgjb wrote

Misery is the book that stopped me from reading King for a very long time. No hope at all in the plot just one long stressful pile of pain. Read his book On Writing, he was becoming a full blown alcoholic in this era, starting with The Shining. I’m back to reading his books again as they aren’t all so loaded with such darkness since those days.


finnwittrockswhore OP t1_iuhqk7w wrote

Funny, It has the opposite effect on me. It’s making me want to read more of his dark and gritty work.


Nemohoe5 t1_iubvodn wrote

misery is one the best books i ever read. the ability to do much in basically one setting blew my mind. king is king


LilJourney t1_iue9kp2 wrote

This book is one of those rare ones that etches itself into your soul and strikes back in unexpected moments. A reminder that no matter how normal or mundane the world around us seems, there can be darkness lurking right underneath our noses, and we are not nearly as in control of ourselves and our lives as we think we are.

For me the beauty of this book is in it's rather stark simplicity compared to some of other King's work which I found to be way too wordy and descriptive for my taste and so I wasn't really able to get into them. This one left me nowhere to hide.


finnwittrockswhore OP t1_iuf84pw wrote

I was just saying this to my friend who also read it. I like that it wasn’t loaded with boring and useless filler. It was right to the point and the dark feeling never left me as I read the book. Like you said , I felt like there was “no where to hide” King did an amazing job.


Emperor_Palps_247 t1_iuecuw7 wrote

The first time I read misery my heart was pounding the whole time!


swan4816 t1_iucbzzq wrote

I hope you were able to sleep if you finished it before sleep!


finnwittrockswhore OP t1_iuf53kv wrote

I finished it today so we’ll see about trying to sleep tonight lol. I can’t lie it definitely shook me up.


TheCheeseDevil t1_iuhmbuu wrote

Also echoing that I'm jealous of you experiencing this for the first time! I got Misery from a yard sale when I was like, 12. It scared me to my core and it still pops into my head all these years later. His most frightening book, imo- the claustrophobia and panic of it is palpable.