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nodepapaya t1_iuhd9in wrote

The Road by Cormac McCarthy


Similar-Active-5027 t1_iuhduv1 wrote

This is a good one. I'll also add A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller.


asifur0507 OP t1_iuhe629 wrote

I am a newbie on this genre. I will check out all the recommendation. Thanks!


asifur0507 OP t1_iuhdst7 wrote

I will check it out. Thank you for your recommendation!


CntFenring t1_iuhelpn wrote

It's an amazing book but be prepared - The Road is very dark and unsettling. Not exactly a swashbuckling, hopeful, "let's band together to rebuild" type book.

It has extreme deprivation, depravity, and collapse. It's an unblinking look at humans scraping out their survival on a day-by-day (sometimes hour-by-hour) basis in a brutal, zero-sum world.

Closest comparison imo is Night by Elie Wiesel.