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NefariousnessOne1859 t1_it7lars wrote

Also on this topic, when white authors do put people of colour or different ethnicity in the books they are often ridiculed and criticised for various reasons so maybe they don’t want to risk this. So yes I would look for books from the list of authors of colour if you are looking for something more in particular.


renlydidnothingwrong t1_itb2zhd wrote

Do they though? People might get mad at you if you try to write about the real world experience of people very different from yourself (especially if you don't do a good job). But do people get upset about fantasy? Again I can't think of it happening except when it was because of something genuinely offensive.


NefariousnessOne1859 t1_itbb9ax wrote

When I used to have Twitter there was always a lot of people complaining about it. There was also a lot of backlash about the description of some characters in shadow and bone, and the fact racism existed in a made up fantasy realm