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Evilrybone t1_it53cer wrote

If it’s not clicking then it doesn’t click. Not much more to it than that. Put it down and move on, it’s not worth it to force yourself through if it is not enjoyable. There are lots of enjoyable reads ready to go!


pm-me-ur-joy t1_it53jq1 wrote

Take a stamina break and cme back when you want to read it. It's no good right now, but when you want to read it, it will become something else, something more vibrant and life giving.

It took me 4 attempts to read 100 Years of Solitude, getting a little deeper in each time. So once I did finally get into it and engage because I wanted to and I was enjoying it, then it became the best book I had ever read. I read it through to the end and I'm so thankful that novel exists, so I could have that experience with it.

Set aside the Harry Potter until you want to read it in the future, it's not a quit, it's a stamina break.


Present_Spell_5020 t1_it547de wrote

The book does get better, admittedly it is a bit of a slog in the middle, but once I get to where the 8th film starts it seems to go so quickly. If you need a break from reading it take one but you won't regret finishing it when you get round to it.


Artparkgallery t1_it54h18 wrote

Huh in this particular instance I cant quite understand how you read 6 books and then you read the last and it doesnt click?

But in general if you dont like it then simply start something new, as simple as that.


Hellblazer1138 t1_it54hlg wrote

I found that last book abysmal, so it might not just be you. Move on to something else.


PhoenixUnleashed t1_it54ia2 wrote

You can always come back to it later, if you want to. And if you never do, there’s nothing wrong with that, either. If you’re not really enjoying it (and it sounds like maybe the rest of the series wasn’t your favorite read either, based on feeling like your pace was slow), you can certainly still enjoy the films and universe without forcing yourself to finish the books.


CrazyCatLady108 t1_it54m7d wrote

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PBYACE t1_it57bmk wrote

If you've seen the movie, there's really no real reason to finish the book.