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QueenOfThePark t1_iuh7fdg wrote

I adored Doomsday Book! I work in a bookshop and run a sci-fi book club, a friend had recommended so I suggested it for the group. We read it February 2020, just before lockdowns started here, and I felt like I had cursed us slightly. Still love it though and think about it frequently, I recommend it all the time at work when I get the opportunity.

Very sadly my dear friend who recommended it to me died last year. I haven't been able to go back to many of the things she told me about, but I do hope to read more when I feel up to it. I did pick up a copy of Crosstalk recently because I found it cheap!


FatalExceptionError t1_iuhwkts wrote

I’ve read it multiple times. It’s heavy. I thought about it during early COVID since it is one of the only pandemic books I’ve read. I recognizedit would be a hard read and decided against rereading during COVID. Great book. Heavy book.


MyFavoritePlum t1_iuidj39 wrote

My husband and I read it aloud in spring 2020- a multi-reread for me and first time for him. It was a rough choice, heh

I also reread some of The Hot Zone about Ebola/Marburg virus, so yeah, I think reading about historical plagues was part of processing the pandemic for me


QueenOfThePark t1_iujh1f6 wrote

That's absolutely fair, I'm glad you decided against it if it wasn't right for you at the time. I was really struck by the shift from unexpectedly funny to heavy and heartbreaking. If you haven't already read it I would recommend Station Eleven - again, read with caution, but it's a much more oddly uplifting and beautiful pandemic book.