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AlunWeaver t1_itvgt69 wrote

>And in fact, these posts are actually the better ones because a lot don't include any thoughts on why the books weren't great, including the #1 post in this sub currently, which doesn't state a single reason they don't like the book they just finished.

There is a rule on this sub about low-effort posts, but it is not enforced stringently if the mods think they will gain traction.

LOTS of interesting shit gets nuked in New. But make a post about how Colleen Hoover is a hack, or how Project Hail Mary just made you love reading again, and it gets to stick around, and often winds up on the front page.

r/books is a lousy sub.


Username_of_Chaos t1_itvl8n6 wrote

Yeah I've stopped trying to post new topics in here because the couple of times I tried, they got taken down as being "low effort" posts...which I personally in my humble opinion disagree with. They were topics I hadn't seen discussed in here before or at least not in the search I made beforehand, and I was genuinely curious to know what people would say. I didn't argue it though, they were just unworthy topics, I guess... well, time to go talk about Colleen Hoover again. I did really dislike Verity.


Bikinigirlout t1_itvmlg8 wrote

Its why I like YALit and 52 books alot more. People at least try to have decent conversations about books, like "I didn't really like this book, but, you might, seems to fit your tropes."

And when theres a post about the "what tiktok books didn't you like" it's more detailed then "It was shit and everyone who likes this book can't read."