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afkmofo t1_it9kg65 wrote

It's hard sci-fi. They make up a lot of words but you get used to it after awhile. Same with Dune. The beginning is supposed to be kinda confusing.


iwantolearnstuff OP t1_it9l09z wrote

I do like it, i rarely read though. But so far, the things i did understand i liked.

When you say "the book will continue along these lines" do you mean that new words will keep getting introduced?


CrazyCatLady108 t1_it9mvjk wrote

Please post 'Should I read X book''What do I need to know before I read X' questions, in our Weekly Recommendation Thread.


NotTHATPollyGlot t1_it9mzst wrote



I think you should be able to look up those terms. I found info with a quick Google search:

The Sprawl is a colloquial name for an area in the northeastern part of the United States. I haven't read the Neuromancer, so I don't know if this setting gets further explained.


Cyberspace = The internet (but better, I think, according to the book?)


And nerve-splicing is the procedure of grafting/sewing nerves together in order to fix damaged nerve tissue. I assume the book may talk about it as a procedure to also enhance biological traits??? I don't know, but I hope that helps!!!

Yay reading a second language!!! <3 I say keep going but have a good dictionary at the ready. I am trying so hard to get through a short story (novella) in French and I think I've only managed 3 pages so far because my brain is b...r.e...a.k...i.n..g....


iwantolearnstuff OP t1_it9nxly wrote


I personally didn't feel like my post would fit in the recommendations thread since it isn't really about recommendations but more about the difficulty of reading a book i already got.

I'm sorry for posting this in the wrong place though. Would you like me to delete this post?


NotTHATPollyGlot t1_it9pjy0 wrote

Haha merci! I have been convinced to believe I am at "conversational basic French", but this book was also written in 1880 (L'Inondation par Emile Zola), so that could be another reason for my struggle.


Also, yay Belgian! I am a fan of Angèle's music! :)


afkmofo t1_it9uy14 wrote

A couple chapters. You should keep reading. It's a great book.