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llamaddramaa t1_iu2v1sb wrote

I can’t speak for #3, but related to #2, a simple word swap that I’ve noticed makes a world of change in people’s feelings: instead of thanking someone by saying “I appreciate it,” say “I appreciate you.” It changes your thankfulness from the act to the person.

I actually had a hotel employee email me once to thank me for saying it. She said nobody had ever said it to her before.


Broad-Inflation4210 OP t1_iu3f6fi wrote

Now that you've mentioned it. It really does sound better. Just swapping one word changes the impact of it onto the other person.

Btw for the third principle, I got a way to apply those techniques. Think of a friend or family member from whom you wanted something but couldn't get just because it was all "I want" and now think how could you have done it differently knowing the third principle.

And the next time you want something from your friends, just think how can I do this differently from "I want".

Thanks for your tip