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subooot t1_itk69px wrote

The Count of Monte Cristo, Dumas wrote this book as a dedication to his father. Whose life is far more wonderful than the whole novel. There is a story that he refused the invitation of the revolutionary leaders to take command because of his wife's tantrums and then they offered the same to Napoleon. Years later, Napoleon hated Duma's father and plotted against him. When Napoleon became Emperor, Dumas himself had to flee to Russia. Because of Napoleon's hatred of the family.


Gravitas_free t1_itkhx5p wrote

Not quite. Napoleon was no great friend of Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, but that only extended to ignoring him when he was imprisoned in Naples and later, when he was back in France and destitute.

Alexandre's flight from France was decades after Napoleon's fall. It was likely mostly to escape his creditors (he was not good with money). Also, his long-time patron, Louis-Philippe, the last king of the French, had just been deposed, and the first elected president of the republic, Napoleon's nephew, did not like Dumas much.