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Worried_Corner4242 t1_iujus6f wrote

There’s no way to ask that question without sounding pushy, sorry, especially with a coworker. If you give a book to someone as a gift, they have no obligation to read it, and pestering them to give you a review because you want it is rude. This is especially true if it’s only been a few days since you gave it to them, sheesh.

I speak from experience here. A coworker once insisted on lending me a video I had no interest in watching and then proceeded to ask me every single day if I’d watched it yet. I just started avoiding him and gave him back the video after having read enough about it on Wikipedia to get him to leave me alone about it already.


OneThingReal t1_iujtpt3 wrote

Judging by my own coworkers? Let it come to you, grasshopper.


Daonico t1_iujwuqn wrote

I would say that if you ask once, casually, something like "have you started bookName yet?" or something, is not pushy (maybe wait a few weeks first though). I would feel you are being pushy if you ask me many times, specially if it was a gift and not a loan.

That being said... if you are gifting me a book, it will posible take me months or even years before starting it, I have a bunch of unread books on my shelves, and it wouldn't mean I am not interested in the book you gave me.


ActonofMAM t1_iujz991 wrote

Asking for a report turns the gift into a homework assignment. Don't


keesouth t1_iujudte wrote

If it's only been a few days I'd definitely wait. She may not have been able to make time to even start. I typically wait for someone to bring it up to me. I'd give it a few months before I'd ask them about it.


jefrye t1_iujx2ou wrote

>Today, I want some feedback.

Reading between the lines, was this a book that you wrote? If so, badgering people you know into reading it is incredibly poor form and is not going to get you any useful feedback—it's just going to alienate your friends and family. If you want feedback, there are subs like r/BetaReaders for that purpose.

If this wasn't something you wrote....then it's still rude to expect your coworker to read it. At that point it's no longer a gift to her, but an obligation that you imposed on her for your benefit. If she reads it and wants to talk about it, she'll let you know. Otherwise, don't badger her about it.


Nanotechnologies t1_iuk0brn wrote

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minimalist_coach t1_iujx5ak wrote

I'm curious about what prompted you to gift that book to your coworker. Do you and the coworker talk about books naturally?

I don't usually gift a book to people, I've gifted bookstore or Amazon gift certificates to people and included a note that I was thinking they might enjoy a certain book, but to use the certificate for something they would enjoy if they aren't interested.


StranglesMcWhiskey t1_iujtgv8 wrote

It's not pushy to say "Hey, have you read 'book' yet?"

If they say no, just say, "Ok, let me know when you get around to it!"


PrideLanky6871 t1_iujux08 wrote

I myself often do not get to a book until weeks after I got it. I am currently reading 3 books and if I get gifted one now, I have to finish at least one book preferably two before I start on the new one. I think asking about it while you can still use 'the other day' to refer to the day you gave it, is too early to ask about an opinion.

I am trying to think of example questions for when the time is right, but honestly any question I come up with can come across as pushy depending on the person. So I get your worry


[deleted] OP t1_iujvh0m wrote

I'm not sure if you're one of those people who uses "the other day" loosely lol, but I would definitely wait a few months before asking. Then just casually ask if she's had a chance to read it yet.

My to be read pile is a mile long so if someone gifts me a book it could take me a couple of years to get to it. Doesn't mean I'm not interested, it just means I haven't gotten to it yet. So I would just bring it up once and if she hadnt read it at that point, then just drop it and wait for her to bring it up again.


No7an t1_iujw1fg wrote

If someone gives me a book it’s going into a pile and I’ll eventually get to it.

I once had a coworker give me a book and I put it next in the sequence, because the subject fit in the gradient I had going on, between subjects.

Another co-worker gave me a book and it took me a year-and-a-half to get to it.

Interestingly, I read these books back-to-back. They were both good.

Everyone moves at their own pace and (from my experience) reading is less enjoyable when it becomes obligatory.

Don’t take any delay personally.

I hope that helps.


pinponpen t1_iukb1vq wrote

I have a book gifted for Christmas in 2020, i haven't gotten to it yet. Nothing against the gifter, i have books bought myself in 2020 i have not gotten to it yet either