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nightwatchcrow t1_itusv3o wrote

Excited to see more replies, I feel like Greek literature in English can be hard to find!

Recently I enjoyed Amanda Michelopoulou’s Why I Killed My Best Friend, a novel following two girls with a complicated friendship from their childhood in the 70s as the grow up. I think I also liked a book of short stories by the same author.

I would also recommend Ioanna Karystiani—so far I’ve read The Jasmine Isle, about the family of a sea captain living on an island as he roams the world and eventually settles down, and Back to Delphi, about a mother taking her imprisoned son on a weekend excursion. Her books have a dreamlike feel to me.

This may be just because I’m a sucker for interesting memoirs, but I also liked Melina Mercouri’s I Was Born Greek, which covers her childhood, live as a movie star, and eventual exile from her country.