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Xyxaan t1_iucppvk wrote

An Epilogue.


Spinningwoman t1_iucqjng wrote

I think prologue is generally a short piece of text - like a mini chapter- written by the author, either setting the scene or sometimes giving a brief glimpse into a situation later in the novel to increase anticipation.


armcie t1_iuctndm wrote

Follow up question: is it the same for quotes at the beginning of chapters? Or for those tantalising chapter summaries you sometimes get in older (or faux older) books?


hasdigs t1_iucyoyz wrote



BohoPhoenix t1_iudcpfo wrote

Hi there - It looks like you've got a few responses that answer your question, but if you're still looking for information on this, this would be better suited for our twice-weekly Simple Questions thread. Thank you!