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doowgad1 t1_iu9h4x4 wrote

Two hours before bed is 'reading time.'

Turn off all the screens at the same time every night.


seashellM20 t1_iu9hi6g wrote

Download the Kindle app onto your phone and get a few ebooks to read. You'll still be on your phone but will have an option to read instead of surfing social media sites.


nightwatchcrow t1_iu9hjcu wrote

Put your phone out of reach! Leave it in another room or even just far enough that you would have to get up to grab it. It makes putting down your book for your phone something you have to intentionally do instead of an autopilot thing.

Also, make sure you’re reading books that really excite you; once you’re into the habit I think it’s easier to push through challenging or slow but rewarding books, but while you’re establishing it, I’d choose books that are fast-paced and engaging.


ckikikaz t1_iu9hxut wrote

I found it very difficult to read for pleasure while/few months after getting my masters.

Perhaps building routines where you journal in a notebook and/or read a tangible book before bed could be helpful. Doesn't have to be too much time! Try and limit screens before sleep ... and limit how much reading you're doing on the phone- in order to cut that association a bit.


DarkFluids777 t1_iu9j6hi wrote

I'm also reading quite a bit of such texts (in my case more arthistorical/humanistic ones, but also archaeological ones at times), when I read some novels, I like to lie down in bed, I still have my phone or ipad at my side to occassionally look things up (also I'm surrounded by my physical hand-library which I only rarely consult), you don't have to completely switch off, but you neither need to look everyhting up either, or maybe even shut down your internet router alltogether and just read in the late evening.


Glitz-1958 t1_iu9jnaz wrote

Your dear old brain has had enough! Go out for a drink with your mates, visit friends and family, get out in fresh air and walk, cycle, anything except reading for a while. Don't beat your self up about it. You love reading, it will come back as soon as you're ready. If your body is looking for comfort stuff or too tired to concentrate best put a message on the fridge door too and not go shopping when tired or hungry lol


yakovblumpkin t1_iu9lhqx wrote

Two things:

  1. Find something different to read. Maybe you need a change of author, genre, etc.
  2. Add more discipline to your life to focus on your reading. Set a time, early AM works best in my opinion, and stick to it. The caveat to this is start small. For instance, set a timer for 20 mins and read. Increase your time every month and work up to longer time reading (do not use your phone as your timer).

Eventually you will set a routine and it will become a habit. This is true with most things in life.


H2Oloo-Sunset t1_iu9lqwg wrote

Try some short stories or novellas. There are a lot of anthology books that contain multiple stories.

I also like book series because I am already familiar with some of the characters, settings, and style. This allows me to more easily get right into the plot.


pdxsean t1_iu9mcaa wrote

Libby is a free audiobook app that works with your local library. I combine reading with doing chores and going for walks, driving, etc. It's easy to get a lot of reading in if you're just listening.

However if you're like me and also listen to podcasts you're probably already combining those activities so you'll have to balance podcasts and audiobooks.


scouter t1_iu9osl5 wrote

I second this. I was a paper holdout for a long time, but ebooks (on iPad) is now my preference. Easy to carry and keep available (I use a man-purse for travel). Your library probably has ebooks to check out, so the app is free and the books are free. The kindle app also tracks simple statistics, so I use that to make sure I read daily.

Finally, material is important: you will read books you enjoy. Once you find an author you like, read their books. Series (serials) are good for this, too. Find topics, styles, and genres you like to engage and retain your interest.

Good luck. Enjoy the journey!


CrazyCatLady108 t1_iu9qxh0 wrote

Hi there. This subject has been very popular in the past. Please use reddit search and/or check the /r/books/wiki/faq.


gaiaom t1_iu9t18y wrote

Audiobooks. They've taken me where no person has gone before.